What's Everybody Doing Now?
Week beginning Thursday 9th September –
Use the slider on some images to see BOTH pictures!

Belle, Tātai 1
Zoom outfits!

Ita, MT5

Griffin, MT3
Lemon Curd

Leon, MT4
Challenge 2 – Epro 8 – Marble Run

Elliana, MT4, Lillia & Alessa MT5, Hector R16
We had a “kids bake-off” where they had to design, bake and decorate a cake. It was loads of fun.

Elsie, R6
A Kiwi habitat. And a watercolour pencil painting of a fantail!

Regan, MT3

Hope, MT3

Carly, R10

Jenna, Purple Bubble
Chicken farm

Ellie, Purple Bubble
Amazing creation

Mia, R9

Scarlet, R16

Elsie, R6

Regan, MT3

Emily, R2

Solomon, R7

Leon, MT4
Challenge 1 – Epro 8 – Paper Bridge

Regan, MT3

Bowie, MT5
Lego Kea

Carly, R10

Ella, Tātai 1

Reuben, Tātai 1
3D SketchUp model of a bunker

Max, MT3 & Heidi MT5
Making Iced Mochas

Isla, MT4

Lily, MT3
Making Sushi!

Leah, R7

Levi, R6

Isla, MT4
Melting Moments

Elsie, R6
She made a tiny pirate ship. Small enough for a Sylvanian baby. It has a treasure chest, with gold treasure. Her pirate has a parrot on their shoulder, and a special pirate outfit with a gold necklace with a medallion. And the obligatory eye patch!

Belle, Tātai 1
PJ Themed Zoom

Connor, MT4
Harry Potter zoom day!

Leon, MT4
Dino Cookies

Tane, MT3

Charlie, MT3

Regan, MT3

Savvy, MT3

Savvy, MT3
Lego Castle from the 30 day lego building challenges

Connor, R2
Lucas, MT3

Devon, R7
Water Rocket
Gus, Tātai 1
Created Lego train
Elliot, R6
Walking Water experiment

Luca M, R16
Aoife, MT5
EPro8 Challenge 2 – A Marble Run
Leon, MT4
Epro8 Challenge 2 – Marble Run

Aoife, MT5
Epro8 Challenge 2 – Marble Run
Leon’s [MT4] EPro 8 Challenge!!! Lockdown EPro 8 final round…
Laingholm Lockdown Life 2021
The challenge was to make a robotic animal with a moving part, to go in a robotic zoo. Leon decided to make a robotic Monarch butterfly- he called it The Butter Bot 2000. We had Friday, Saturday and Sunday to complete the challenge- it was fun and a lot of work. It has been really cool doing the family lockdown challenge- and Leon has loved it.